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Working to eliminate Modern Slavery globally

The Australian Parliament passed the Commonwealth Modern Slavery Act 2018 (the Act) on the 29th November 2018. The Act established a national Modern Slavery Reporting Requirement and entered into force on the 1st January 2019.

To comply, companies must prepare annual Modern Slavery Statements.

These statements must set out the reporting entity’s actions to assess and address modern slavery risks in their global operations and supply chains. The Australian Government will make these statements publicly available through an online central register.

Modern Slavery practices include:

• Human trafficking
• Slavery
• Servitude
• Forced labour
• Debt bondage
• Forced marriage
• The worst forms of child labour

Anglo American is committed to Human Rights, Responsible Sourcing and working towards ‘Zero Harm’ to people, society and our environment in everything we do.

Suppliers are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to uphold our strong values and we engage with suppliers to assess their operations against our comprehensive Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQs) and work with them to strengthen any weaknesses identified in their supply chain.

More specifically in Australia we collaborate with like-minded organisations across the minerals and resources industry to identify ways that we can educate suppliers on the risk of Modern Slavery in their supply chain, how we can identify modern slavery in our supply chain and how we can work together to support victims of modern slavery and play a part in eliminating Modern Slavery globally.

We know there is a lot of work to do to eliminate Modern Slavery but we are committed to a long-term approach that will support global Human Rights principles.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Accordion icon blue Accordion icon white What is Modern SlaveryIcon Plus

The Australian Government states that Modern Slavery describes situations where offenders use coercion, threats or deception to exploit victims and undermine their freedom.

Accordion icon blue Accordion icon white What is the risk of Modern Slavery at Anglo American Metallurgical Coal?Icon Plus

At Anglo American we are aware that our supply chains are global and complex and includes the sourcing of raw materials from regions around the globe as well as manufacturing in developing countries which are known areas for Human Rights abuse.

We have robust vetting processes for all the suppliers that we work with to ensure that they meet our high expectations on Human Rights but we know that because of the complexity of our supply chain that it is inevitable that there will be some instances of Modern Slavery.

Accordion icon blue Accordion icon white What does this mean for Anglo American Metallurgical Coal suppliers?Icon Plus

At Anglo American the program to eliminate Modern Slavery across the globe is part of our strong Human Rights focus and falls under pillar three of our Responsible Sourcing Strategy: Respect Labour and Human Rights.

All suppliers who we work with must:

  1. Commit to Responsible Sourcing (including respecting labour and human rights.)
  2. Complete a Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) which includes questions on Human Rights and Modern Slavery risks within their supply chain.
  3. Provide evidence of a 3rd part assessment
  4. Manage Your Risk – we encourage all suppliers to discuss any risks they identify with us so that we can work together to help eliminate the risk and support any vulnerable persons.

We will require suppliers to provide details on what controls they have to identify and eliminate Modern Slavery in their organisation and supply chain and we will work with them to eliminate risks if any issues are identified.

Some of our larger suppliers will be required to report against the MSA due to their turnover but we encourage all suppliers to develop Human Rights and Modern Slavery policies and procedures and to also voluntarily report against the MSA.

Accordion icon blue Accordion icon white Who should I contact if I suspect that there is a risk of Human Rights abuse or Modern Slavery in the Anglo American Supply Chain?Icon Plus

You can report any concerns through YourVoice which is Anglo American’s and De Beers Group’s confidential reporting service.

You can either raise a concern online at www.yourvoice.angloamerican.com or verbally by dialing (Australia) 1300-894-021.

If you have any other questions regarding Anglo American’s approach to eliminating Modern Slavery in our supply chain please feel free to reach out at [email protected]